SPECTATOR.") &n,-.-Will you allow me to make your columns the medium of announcement, to such as have any interest in the fact, that some members of my family have discovered a box containing letters to and manuscripts by Thomas Wedgwood, the friend 'of Coleridge and Godwin P These papers are in the hands of Persons competent to decipher and arrange them, and will be given to the world, if they prove of sufficient interest (a question as yet undecided). I make the announcement in the hope that any person having manuscripts or information throwing light en the history of Thomas Wedgwood, if such exist, will kindly entrust it to us. My cousin, Mr. Arthur Wedgwood (31 York Street, Portman Square, W.), will gratefully receive and faithfully return anything that may be entrusted to him, and the attempt to give some account of one who excited some attention among his contemporaries may be thereby rendered more complote.—I