30 SEPTEMBER 1882, page 15

The Oath System.

[To TEE EDITOR OF THD " $pscrwron."] Sms — Whilst thoroughly agreeing with the last sixteen lines of your article on the above subject, I should like permission to point out an......

The Late Thomas Wedgwood. [to Tup1 Editor Of The "

SPECTATOR.") &n,-.-Will you allow me to make your columns the medium of an nouncement, to such as have any interest in the fact, that some members of my family have discovered a......


KUENEN ' S HIBBERT LECTURES. * MERE is much to be said in favour of the custom which the Hilibert Trustees have followed, if they have not introduced it, of appointing to their......

No Peers Dissenters. [to The Editor Of Thu " Spectator."]...

reference to a remark to the above effect in the article on "Mental Impenetrability," in the Spectator of September 23rd, may I be permitted to say that an Earl, but lately de-......

Mr. Green ' S Imprisonment.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR-1 I answer, though tardily, "H. G. ' s " letter, in your issue of the 16th? The pleas he has been kind enough to offer for the Church......