The aggregate of reports from the wheat-producing countries indicate that
corn will be dear during the coming year, but not extravagantly so. The home crop is good, but from 10 to 15 per cent. under average ; the crop in South Russia and Hungary is very poor, and the crop in Germany is not good. The United States, however, will reach its average, and the crop in France, Italy, and Spain is the best known for years, so good that France will be able to export largely, and that the peasants consider the Republic friendly to agricultural interests. ‘Vhat with the price of meat, the strike among the bakers, which is extending every- where, and the potato disease, living will not be cheap for the next twelve months. That, however, will not be felt by the " masses " who are adding a quarter to their average incomes, and in some instances seem disposed to waste it in riotous living. The increase of drinking is enormous, and it is all "chop and steak, frizzle and fry" everywhere. We shall have the clergy remembering that gluttony is a sin as well as drunken- ness, before all is done.