[to The Editor Of This "spectator-']
Sin,—The continued interest manifested in this discussion is a very satisfactory indication of moral earnestness pervading a great number of liberal thinkers. Will you accept......
[to The Editor Of The "spectator.")
SIR, —Can you allow me space for a few words on the subject of the "Efficacy of Prayer "? 1. It seems to me that Mr. Gallon, and those who think like him, have, as against the......
[to The Editor Of The " Spectator.")
• have read with high interest the correspondence on this subject, though the view adopted by Mr. Galton and those who think with him is by no means novel. Thus, in times......
[to The Editor Of The " Spectator."]
SIR,—If the desire to pray is, as Mr. Galton asserts, "not intuitive" to humanity, but "is an artificial creation of theolo- gians," what made the theologians pray ? Out of......
[to The Editor Of The "spectator-1
Sut,—Mr. Galton's letter revives the question, "Is the desire to- pray the result of intuition or instruction ? " and judging from. the ideal picture he has drawn of the first......
[to The Editor Of The "spectatob.1
Galton's "concise and pointed" representation of his . case against prayer admits of a very brief and simple reply. Be- cause prayer is taught by missionaries and mothers, and......