31 AUGUST 1912, Page 14


Sin,—I read with peculiar interest the letter of "F. S. H." in your issue of August 24th. He says, "From childhood I have always seen different colours . . . in proper names." I share that peculiarity, but never in a long life (I am in my 89th year) have I ever, although I have constantly inquired, been able to find any one with the same feeling. Your cor- respondent gives some names and their colours as they appear to him, but they are not the same as in my case. My own name, John George, is very decidedly white and yellow. Jane is dull greyish blue ; so is Ann or Annie ; James is green; Harry and Harriet reddish pink ; Lucy (as in his case) bright yellow; to me Robert is chocolate brown. To me the days of the week and months of the year also bear colours—and besides they always appear as hanging in curves or festoons—Monday to Monday and December to December. All the colours of these days and mouths (except Wednesday, which is bright red, and April bright yellow) are mostly faint and dull. I have often mentioned these things, and never (but once some seventy years ago at Trinity College, Cambridge) have I ever found any one but one (I think it was Llewelyn Davies) who said he had ever felt the least like it.—I am, Sir, &c., JOHN GEORGE HOLLWAY.