31 AUGUST 1912, page 1

News Of The Week.

T 1 AST t h Saturday e r . Taft ft t s which signed d t ha d h e Panama am a a gr eed ed Canal Bill by the two Houses in joint conference. It is with great regret that we record......

This Curious Proposal, Which Has Not Yet Been Acted Upon,

surely asks Congress to insult itself. It ought not to be ipiplied that the Acts of Congress may be in violation of treaties unless - it is expressly stated that they are not.......

The Situation In China Is Calmer Than A Week Ago.

Sun Yat-sen arrived in Peking last Saturday, and so far from being assassinated, as had been thought possible, he had a splendid reception, which rivalled (says a Renter......

Sir John Jordan, The British Minister At Peking, Has...

a memorandum to the Chinese Government with regard to the Chinese intention of incorporating Tibet as a province of the Republic. The memorandum urges that the Tibetans should......

In A Letter Which We Publish Elsewhere The Course Of

recent events in Tibet is described. We are entirely opposed to any " forward " policy in Tibet. At the same time we have to recognize that if the Chinese expedition reached......

We Fear There Is No Getting Away From The Fact

that the Act, in exempting American coastwise shipping from dues, does violate the simple meaning of the Hay-Pauncefote Treaty. Nor is it quite certain, though we do not wish to......

***. The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return. Manuscript...
