SIR,---Katharine Whitehorn complains justly of the system recently adopted by some banks of listing cheques by numbers only on the statement of account and omitting payees' names.
When If received a warning not long ago from my own bank that they proposed thus to 'modern- ise' their system, I wrote to the manager complain- ing in the strongest terms. To my great pleasure I had an answer from him (a) making it clear that, against his directors' views, he sympathised with mine, and (b) telling me that for those who felt as strongly as I did there would still be, for a few more years at least, a continuation of the old service.
If and when this period of grace ends I shall unhesitatingly transfer my custom to any other bank which still maintains what is, as Katharine Whitehorn says, a part of the service for which one resorts to a bank at all. If all were to do likewise the problem would soon be solved.
College of Arms, 1::C4