31 AUGUST 1962, page 13

,sitt,—may 1 Comment On The Letter From Mr. George Edinger

in your issue of August 24? 1 do not ques- tion for a moment the historical part of his letter: a nd I have no doubt that Mr. Edinger did play the r ole he relates in assisting......

Sense Of Purpose

Sitt,—I returned the ether day from Switzerland - -a country full of 'efficiency and equity' - ato read with wide-eyed amazement Mr. Henry Fairlie's article, 'Sense of Purpose,'......

Sir,—there Is Today In Parts Of Our Commonwealth, And In

other countries too, a terrific need for young people—young Britishers—who can 'identify them- selves with the social and economic aspirations of the people' as stated by Mr.......

British Voluntary Service

J. E. Woodrofie, E. R. Chadwick, M. M. Elliott Sense of Purpose Lord Boothby The Common Market Correlli Barnett, J. E. Martyrs 'Don't Bank On It Sir Anthony Wagner. W. H. D.......