31 AUGUST 1962, Page 7

A Bow at a Venture

The news that Mr. James Lemkin, an ex-chair- man of the Bow group, has joined the Liberal Party will not, I imagine, flutter too many dove- cotes, but I do find a little curious the reasons he gives for taking this step. He is perfectly entitled to his view that 'non-socialist radicals can work better within the Liberal Party on the problems of the 1960s,' but this discovery conies at a curious moment—the moment at which a Con-

gervative Government by going into Europe is taking the one really radical step that a British government has taken since the granting of in- dependence to India and Pakistan. Mr. Lemkin put up with the Conservative Party during and after Suez, but leaves it now when Mr. Macmillan is carrying out a genuine policy of reform. It might be because he disapproves of that policy, but then his new party, the Liberals, supports it. Curiouser and curiouser.