31 AUGUST 1962, Page 8

A Good Book?

What is the best type of book to read aloud? In my household P. G. Wodehouse held the floor for a long time until shortage of matter—most of

his books read once and the Jeeves sequence twice —forced a change. There was, it is true, an inter- mission during which Madame Calderon de la Barca's Letters from Mexico provided a very good substitute for exotic travel, and it was pleasant to hear of her indefatigable sight-seeing and adventures in the midst of Mexican revolu- tion from the comparative security of an English fireside on a winter's evening. Now we are on Jane Austen, the rhythms of whose prose soothe by their elegance, while the ironic undertones of the content supply the spur needed for con- tinuing. But where shall we go from there? Sug- gestions are welcome.