Certain changes in the British Army are announced. Three regiments
are under orders to proceed to Malta, three regiments to Gibraltar, two regiments to Van Diemen's Land, two regiments for the Cape of Good Hope,—all drawn from Ireland. One horse and two foot regiments leave the Cape for the East Indies. Eight regiments are ordered home, —one hone and four foot regiments from the East Indies, two foot regi- ments from the Cape of Good Hope, and one from Van Diemen's Land.
We understand that an official letter from Lord Palmerston, as Secre- tary for the Home Department, has been received this week by the civic authorities of Glasgow requesting to know particulars respecting some war-steamers which his Lordship was informed were building on the
Clyde for the Emperor of Russia. His Lordship has, we believe, been misinformed on the subject, as there are no ships building here for the Czar; but there are at present being constructed two pairs of powerful fast-class marine engines and machinery for war-steamers, by one of our first engineers, who is under contract to have them at Cronstadt in April, and to fit them up in the vessels there by his own workmen. Although there are no ships building here for the Autocrat, we have reason to be- lieve that his Lordship may learn something on the subject if he institutes inquiries on the banks of the Tyne or Wear.-Nortli _British Daily Mail.
The Gazette of last night contains an order in Council newly regu- lating the distribution of prize-money and salvage among the officers and men of the Royal Navy.
The London mail of the 4th February next will be forwarded to Aus- tralia by the screw-steamer Bosphorus, belonging to the General Screw Steam Navigation Company, who have obtained the contract.