How To Beard Society.
WE have to confess neglect of an important movement, which consists partly in the suspension of another important and truly national movement. The primary movement consists in......
Danger Of Prophecies.
Die. LARDNEII is a favourite subject of persecution. Having written many clever books and papers, he once made rather a seri- ous mistake. In his work upon the steam-engine he......
Itittro To Tyt
OXFORD UNIVERSITY REFORM. 27th December 1853. 813t—I am not going to rush into a masked battle with "Another Resi- dent Fellow " : but I have a few words to say in answer to his......
The Public Schools.
28th December 1853. Sut—I have just risen from the perusal of a letter of "Sagittarius" hi the columns of last week's Spectator, and would fain, if you will allow me, urge one......