Tuesday, December 27.
PARTNEESMrs DuiSOLvED.-Wilson and Co. Leeds, commission-agents for woollen- cloths—Raymond and Howcroft, Portland Terrace, Marylebone, auctioneers—Hard- ing and Co. Long Acre, carriage-lace-manufacturers; as far as regards W. Harding —Whitwill and Allward, Bristol, ship-chandlers—Rheinlander and Collins. Wat- ling Street, printers—Rylands and Buckland, Manchester, cotton-spinners—Mallaby and Townsend, Liverpool, attoruies—Stone and Kemp, Spital Square, Nortonfolgate, silk-manufacturers—Kenyon and Co. Sheffield, merchants; as far as regards C. Appleby—Turner and Co. Birmingham—Winktield and Co. East Greenwich, cement- manufacturers—Summers and Son, Tabernacle Walk, s: ationers— Seago and Jack- son, Old Montague Street, Whitcchapel, glass-manufacturers—Barton and Wigley, Nottingham, paper-box-makers—Mingaud and Capstick, Liverpool, estate.aaents — Sheldon and Sampson, Sheffield, file-smiths—Laing and Dale, Glasgow; and Laing and Co. Liverpool, merchants—Pawes and Carter, Maddox Street, Hanover Square, grocers. BalutrtePrs.—JOHN SMITH, King Street, Snowhill, stationer, to surrender Jan. 5, Feb. 3 : solicitors, Linklaters, Sise Lane; official assignee, Cannan, Aldermanbury- Join( GREEN, Portsea, draper, Jan. 9, Feb. 7 : solicitors, Sole and Co. Alderman- bury; official assignee, Edwards, Sambrook Court—Wn.tiam Huxley, Gillingham, Kent, builder, Jan. 9, Feb. 7 : solicitor, Stopher, Cheaptdde; 'official assignee, Ed- wards, Sambrook Court—DUNCAN JENKINS, Mile End Road, victualler, Jan. 4, Feb. 7: solicitors, Dimmock and Burbey, Suffolk Lane, Cannon Street; official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street—Jonx DENT, Homerton, carpenter, Jan. 6, Feb. 9: soli- citors, Hillearys, Fenchurch Street; official assignee, Johnson, Basiughall Street- JallES Femme, High Street, Whitechapel, cheesemonger, Jan. 7, Feb. 18: solicitors, .shurat and Suns, Old Jewry; official assignee, Nicholson, Basinghall Street —Wn.- ussi Bowsa, Pickering, 'Yorkshire, tailor, Jan. 13, Feb. 9: solicitors, Noble, York; Clarke, Leeds; official assignee, Young, Leeds—Hseutv DAwnEn, Lincoln, butcher, Jan. 18, Feb. 8: solicitor, Chambers, Lincoln ; official assignee. Carrick, Hull— Thomas Wrtacissox, Openshaw, builder, Jan. 9, Feb. 6: solicitors, Hall and Taylor, Staleybridge; Sale and Co. Manchester; official assignee, Fraser, Manchester— THOMAS LIENDERSoN, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, draper, Jan. 12, Feb. 16: solicitors, Sale and Co. Manchester; Griffith and Crighton, Newcastle-upon-Tyne; official as- signee, Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
Divine:um—Jan. 18, Potter, Pimlico, lime-burner—Jan. 19, Hogan, 31ilford Haven, shipwright—Jan. 19, Emerson, Durham, iron-founder—Jhn. 19, Thompson, Allonby, Cumberland, brewer — Jan. 17, Hollinworth, Mottram-in. Longdendale, Cheshire, woollen-manufacturer—Jan. 28, Dicken, Hodnet, Shropshire, wool- stapler.
CEILTIFICATE.3.- Pb be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.-Jan. 17, Haviland, Denham, cowkeeper — Jan. 18, Morris, Tunbridge, cabinet-maker—Jan. 18, llorder, Wimborne, market-gardener—Jan. 18, Wrightson, High Street, Marylrbone, grocer—Jan. 18, Gillard, New Street, Covent Garden, boot-maker—Jan. 18, Smith, Victoria Road, Kentish Tear), victualler—Jan. 19, Thompson, Allonby, Cumberland, brewer—Jan. 17, Fenwick, Tynemouth, brewer— Jan. 19, Heap, Manchester, silk-printers—Jan. 27, Taylor, Derby, innkeeper—Jan. 18, Lynall, Birmingham, plumber—Feb. 13, Shenutt, Stoke-upon-Trent, grocer. DECLAIISTIoNs of DIvInENDS.-Lawson, Bury, draper ; second div. of 8d. on Tuesday, Jan. 10, or any subsequent Saturday ; Frazer, Manchester—Richardson and Co. Worsley, glass-manufacturers ; second div. of 10s. any Thursday; Christie, Birmingham—Harrison, Sunderland, linen-draper; first and second diva. of 3s..8d. on new proofs, any Saturday ; Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
Friday, December 30. Pednaameaurs DISSOLVER-Aldred and Hayward, St. Martin's Lane, woollen- drapers—Thomas and Co. Catherine Street, Strand, advertising-agents —Wilkinson and Wildman, Bingley, Yorkshire, wool-comb-makers—Sutherland and Co. Minc- ing Lane, colonial.brokers—Lucey and Sons, Cox's Quay, lighterinen —Barnett, Lewisham, Carr, Lee, and Stott, Greenwich, surgeons; as far as regards II. Stott— Atkin and Co. Sheffield, cutlers—Mackenzie and Co. Calcutta, auctioneers ; as far as regards A. Parker and F. B. Patton—Poole and Co. Kingston-upon-Thames, malt- sters—Pogson & Taylor, Halifax, Yorkshire, carpenters—Smith and Co. Manchester, milliners—Wilkinson and Cotton, West Bromwich, carriers—Cockshott and Beck, Addingham, Yorkshire, cotton-spinners—Johnson and Allatt, Sheffield, upholster- era—Harling and Nicholson, Mere, Yorkshire, earthenware-manufacterers—Orr and Hodge, proprietors of the " Home Companion "—Flower and Wilks, Walsall, mil- lers—Dicksons and Co. Edinburgh, seed-merchants; as far as regards W. R. Dick- sen—Dennistoun and Co. or Stanley Spinning Company, Glasgow ; as far as regards
and J. Buchanan junior.
Baxitnerrs.—Tnomes Easgoters, Churton Street, Pimlico, boot-salesman, to sur- render Jan. 6, Feb. 10: solicitor, Story, Great James Street ; official assignee, Whit- more, Basinghall Street—Joins Davis and Sotoatox Davis, East Smithfield, clothiers, Jan. 12, Feb. 10 : solicitor, Levy, Arundel St.; official assignee, Cannon, Aldermanbury -BENJAMIN VINCENT, Canterbury, boot.maker, Jan. 10, Feb. 9: solicitors, Stratton and Posters, Strand; official assignee, Bell, Coleman Street Buildings—Wm-tau COBB, Maidstone, builder, Jan. 10, Feb. 7: solicitors, Stenning and Croft, Basinghall Street ; Stenning and Cornell, Tunbridge ; official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street — Tiscaus WILLIAM TEAMS, Greenwich, ironmonger, Jan. 9, Feb. II: solicitors, Bristow and Tarrant, Bond Court, Walbrook ; official assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers—Witizar Lama, New Windsor, wine-merchant, Jan. 7, Feb. 11: solici- tors, Dimmock and Burbey, Suffolk Lane, Cannon Street; official assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers—Dasio Paarr, Aston, Birmingham, thimble-maker, Jan. 12, Feb. 9: solicitor, Smith, Birmingham ; official assignee, Christie, Birmingham- Istomiss BULL, Bristol, ship-owner, Jan. 12, Feb. 9: solicitors, Bevan and Girling, Bristol ; official assignee, Hutton, Bristol. Divinrstos,—Jan. 17, Richardson, Lombard Street, merchant—Jan. 26, Mus- grave, Ferdinand Street, Hampstead Road, embroiderer—Jan. 24, Brewster and West, Hand Court, Dowgatc, printers—Jan. 24, it. and J. M. Spenceley. Wapping, Gall-makers—Jan. 26, Hawkins, Farnham, grocer—Jan. 21, E. C. and E. W. Fyffe, Howford Buildings, Ferichurch Street, and E. Fyffe jun., Calcutta, merchants— Jan. 20, Streeter, Brighton, corn-merchant—Jan-21, J. and J. Legge, Marlborough Road, Brampton, cabinet-makera—Jan. 21, Heath, Chesham, Buckinghamshire,
chemist—Jan. 21, Boxall, Brighton, coach-maker—Jan. 21, Fox, Coruhill, tailor —Jan. 21, Absalom, Portsmouth. coal-merchant—Jan. 23, English, hlauchesteff, power-loom cloth-manufacturer—Jan. 23, Pinder, York, grocer.
CERTIFICATES.-lb be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.—Jan. 24, R. and J. M. Spenceley, Wapping, sail-makers—Jan. 20, Foot, Benuondsey, victualler-Jan. 21, Menne; Duke Street, Westminster, railway-con- tractor—Jan. 21, Hutchings, Park Street, Westruiuster, railway-contractor—Jan. 20, Pye, Manor Street, Chelsea, sawyer—Jan. 20, Thomas, Ebury Street, builder—Jan. 24, Booth, Commercial Road, Lambeth, ironmonger—Jan. 24, Bradstreet, Pearson Street, Kingsland Road, miller—Jan. 24, Lloyd, a1 igmore Street, dress-maker—Feb. 1, Williams, Llanelly, wine-merchant—Jan. 21, liopkinsou, Barlborough, Derby- shire, brick-maker. DEetAltaTioNs or Div1DENDS.-Voller. Portsea, builder ; first div. of 5.1. 101d. any Tuesday; Nicholson, Basinghall Street—Havers, Judd Street, draper ; first div. of 2s. 6d. any Tuesday; Nicholson, Basinghall Street—Chambers and Co. New Bond Street, bankers ; fourth and final div. of 2s. 10d. and fourth Mad finial div. of 6jd. on the separate estate of Chambers sen. ou Saturday next, and three subsequent Satin, days ; Groom, Ahchurch Lane—More, Birmingham, victualler ; first div. of 23. 5d. any Thursday; Whitmore, Birmingham—Cutterill and Hill, Walsall, merchants ; final div. of lid. any Thursday ; Whitmore, Binningbam—Itiehardsou mid Co. Wars- ley, glass-manufacturers ; first div. of 3.s. on the separate estate of W. H. and B. Richardson, any Thursday; Christie. Birmingham —Bottomley, Marton, Lincoln- shire, miller ; first div. of 41d. any Tuesday ; Carrick, Hull. Seinen Ssuultsravnorts.—Angus, Booth, Fifeshire, engineer, Jan. 10—arKer- racher, Glasgow, house-painter, Jan. 10.