31 JANUARY 1846, Page 12

The Duke of Modena died on the 21st instant, in

his sixty-seventh year. He is succeeded by his son, Francis V.; who was born in June 1810.

In return for presents from the Emperor of Russia to the Pope, his Holiness has conferred upon Russia the relics of St. Nicholas the Greater, who is the patron of that nation. A ship of war has been despatched from Odessa to receive the lilies, and convey them in great pomp to St. Petersburg.

Letters from Berlin state that the Customs Union is contemplating an im- portant reform. It is to transform German Consuls into Consuls of the Zollve- rem. The result of this will be to consolidate the union, to institute a wiser division of consular agencies, and to suppress a crowd of useless posts. Muller, who was accused of the murder of M. Leu, was tried at Lucerne onthe 24th, found guilty,. and condemned to death. His counsel attributed the crime to religions fanaticism. The prisoner himself said, that having been incarcerated for rebellion, and his application to be interrogated being refused, he had con- ceived a profound resentment against M. Len, and could not subdue the desire for vengeance.