The Duke Of Modena Died On The 21st Instant, In
his sixty-seventh year. He is succeeded by his son, Francis V.; who was born in June 1810. In return for presents from the Emperor of Russia to the Pope, his Holiness has......
" If Mr. Cobden Should Succeed In Convincing The Class Lie
addresses, he will both render a great service to all parties, and also prove himself a very master of pia - suasion. In the existing state of things, however, it seems a matter......
Several Cargoes Of Indian Corn Have Arrived At Waterford,...
other ports in the South of Ireland.—Globe.......
SATURDAY NIGHT. The threatened agitation against any continuation of the Corn-duties has begun. We have already seen that the modified sliding scale for three years has had no......
Mr. Wolryche Whitmore Has Published A Letter "to The...
of the county of Salop," on the general subject of Corn-law repeal. He shows them that they have derived no real benefit from the restrictive duties, and that they need fear no......
In The Court Of Bankruptcy, Yesterday, Proofs Of Debt Were
taken on the estate of Sir John Ross. Sir John was set down as a banker, being proprietor in a small joint stock bank; but he is better known as the enterprising explorer of the......
We Hear More Rumours Of Resignations Among The...
of the Government; without sufficient authority, however, to publish the names at present—Globe. Mr. Ferrand's ceaseless efforts to excite opposition to Lord Morpeth in West......
The Adelaide Observer, Of The 6th September, Has...
Captain Stud, who left Adelaide more than a year before with a party on an exploring expedi- tion to the Northward, and about whose fate some anxiety had been felt. On the 18th......
The Morning Post exultingly announces the progress of official defec- tions from Sir Robert Peel, or, as it is called, " the Peel rot." According to the Post, the following......
The Honourable W H. Downey Has Withdrawn From The...
of the county of Rutland, on account (as he observes) of his being " unable to gainsay the startling details in Sir R. Peel's explanations," and yet being unwilling to act......
A Correspondent, Himself A Lawyer, Suggests An Additional...
such carelessness of responsible parties as leads to railway accidents- " The remedy which I would take the liberty of suggesting to the Home Secre- tary is this, and it appears......
Money Market.
STOCK EXCHANGE, FRTDAT AFTERNOON. The great measure of fiscal reform proposed by Sir Robert Peel has produced but little effect upon the Funds. The first impression was......