COMMERCIAL GAZETTE: Tuesday, January 27.
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PARTNERSHIPS Disienvico.—S. and H. Isaacs, Iloundsditch, cigar-manufacturers —0. and C. Robinson, Heaton Norris, Lancashire, grocers —Collingbourne ten, and Collingbourne jun. Coventry, clothiers—Baker and Son, Stang,ate, timber-me_r- chants ; as far as regards G. Baker—Kidney and Co. East Stonehouse, Devonshire, drapers—Hearts and Jeffs, Northampton, boot-manufacturers—Denny and Callaway, Putney, job-masters—Johnson and Co. the Railway Iron Foundry, Chesterfield- Talot and Giraldon, Leicester Place, Leicester Square, hotelkeepers—Whaley and Kirk, Nottingham, lace-manufacturers—Kell and Co. Birmingham, steel-pen-manu- facturers—Evans and-Burtonwood, Warrington, shoe-makers—Watson and Sandys. Upper Whitecross greet, telegraphic.instrument-makers — and W. Nichols, Cawthorne, Barnsley, tanners—Andrews and Hartnell, Plymouth, drapers—Maw and Son, BishopAuckland, Durham, tanners—Allen and Son, Wadenhoe, Northamp- tonshire, millers—S. and G. R. Lucas, Stubley, Derbyshire, coal-dealers —Booth and Co. Birmingham, merchants—The Rainhill Cement and Gypsum Company, llainhiU, Presscott, Lancashire—Hyde and Co. Louth, soap-makers; as far as regards B. Hyde—Rhodes and Co. Huddensfield, dealers in grocery—Fitz Hugh and Co. Liver- pool, brokers—Waite and Gascoigne, Harrogate, Yorkshire, chemists; as far as re- gards J. Waite —Crankshaw. Edenlield, Lancashire, cotton-sheeting-weavers—Crum and Co. Thornliebank, Glasgow, calico-printers ; as far as regards L. Barnet- -Miller and Roy. Neilston, calico-printers. BANKRUPIR.—WILLIAM ABRAM COOAR, Nelnitte Street, boot-dealer, to surrender Feb. 6, Horeb 12: solicitors, Hausman. College Hill, Cannon Street West; Dennis, Northampton; official assignee, Whitmore, Basinghall Street—Gram:ix Gott and FLANcIS DEACON W1LsoN, Old Broad Street, Russia brokers, Feb. 6, March 10: soli- citor, Murray, London Street, Fenchurch Street ; official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street-Jamrs BOXALL, Brighton, coach-maker, Feb. 6. March 5: solicitors, Sow- ton, Great James Street, Bedford Row ; Kennett, Brighton ; official assignee, Cannan, Aldermanbury HENRY FRANCiS Wou-seros, Union Grove. Wands orth Road, merchant, Feb, 6, March 13: solicitors, J. and T. Goole, Lime street; official assignee, Nicholson, Basinghall Street-Faenniums Wince, Mar- gate, tailor, Feb. 6 :March 13: solicitors, Aliens, Carlisle Street, Soho Square; offi- cial assignee, Pennell. Guildhall Firm, Crawford Street, marylebone, draper, Feb. 5, March 11: solicitors, Ashurst and Son, Old Jewry ; offi- cial assignee, Johnson, Basingball Street-Leos J. BIMINI:EX. Great Portland Street, laceman. Feb. 5, March 5: solicitors, Reed and Co. Friday Street ; official as- signee, Groom, Abchurch Lane-Wit-max Rock, Surrey Place. printer' Feb. 12, mrarcli 9: solicitor, Jerwood, Ely Place; official assignee, Edwards, Sambrook Court-HENRY GLADWIN, Nottingham, draper, Feb. 6, March 5: solicitors, R. and H. Enfield, Nottingham ; official assignee Bittleston, Nottingham -Enwsen Tors- Lev, Rowley Regis, cooper, Feb. 11, assignee, 3: solicitors. Whitehouse, Dudley; Jemes, Birmingham ; official assignee, Christie, Birmingbam-Wiraram Woon. Bristol, provision-merchant, Feb. 7, March 9: solicitor, 13eavan, Bristol; official assignee, Miller, Bristol-Loconza and Co. Plymouth, iron-founders, Feb. 9, March 1$ :"solicitors, Pontifex and Moginie, Andrew's Court, Holborn; Lavers, Plymouth; official assignee, Hernaman, Exeter-Callum Escort, Walton, Somersetshire, tailor, Feb. 10, Starch 3: solicitors, Hobbs and Son, Wells; official assignee, Hirtzell, Exeter-Jaw:a COPLAND, BOXIIStAple, tea-dealer, Feb. 10, March 3: solicitors, Carter and Chanter, Barnstaple; Moore, Exeter; official assignee, Hernainan, Exeter- Heiser POUND, Plymouth, builder, Feb. 9. March 18: solicitors, Sum and Gribble, or Elworthv, or Lavers jun. Plymouth ; official assignee, Hernaman, Exeter-Enters WAIXER, Auddersficld, woolstapler, Feb. 9, March 8: solicitors, Bond and Barwick, Leeds; official assignee, Hope, Leeds-Samuel. BICKERTON, Liverpool, butcher, Feb. 10, March 2: solicitor. Bore, Liverpool; official assignee. Cazenove, Liverpool- WILLIAM JAMBS FOTILIMS, Birkenhead, druggist, Feb. 10, March 3: solicitor, Tyrer, Liverpool ; official assignee, Morgan, Liverpool-Gsoaoe liontissos, Liverpool, coach-builder. Feb. 12, March 4: solicitors, Low, Chancery Lane; Cross, Liverpool; official assignee, Turner, Liverpool-Jons JAMES RAYNER, Manchester, tailor, Feb. 6,27: solicitors, Reed and Co. Friday Street; Sale and Co. Manchester; official as- signee, Mackenzie, Manchester. -DIVIDENDS.-Feb. 20, Wright jun. and Lockwood, Trinity Square, coal-factors- Feb. 17, Cove, Hornchurch, builder-Feb. 20, Pithey, Philpot Lane, merchant-Feb. 20, Brown, Gravel Lane, Southwark, basket-maker-Feb. 21. Till, Worcester, gro- cer-Feb. 27, Goddard, Derby, brush-manufacturer-Feb. 20, M'Conchie, Notting- ham, draper-Feb. 17, Dixon, Falmouth, printer-Feb. 20, Douglas, Manchester, draper-Feb. 20, Craven, Birkenhead, road-maker-Feb. 20, Ramsden, Chester, tim- ber-merchant-Feb. 20,- Fleetwood, Liverpool, grocer. CERTIFICATES.-1b be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of weeting.-Feb. 18. Churchill and Clayden, Limehouse, builders-Feb. 18, U. and R. Pinhorn, Southampton, tailors-Feb. 20, Howard and Stone, Norwich, builders- Feb. 20, Brown, Gravel Lane, Southwark. basket-maker-Feb. 17. Reynolds and Witt, Cornbill, outfitters-Feb. 20, Monies, Liverpool, broker-Feb. 19, Roberts, B.hyl, Flintsbire, innkeeper-Feb. 17, Warburton, Liverpool, tailor-Feb. 18, Birch, Manchester, brewer. DECLARATIONS OP DIVIDMCDS.-Piggott, Great Eversden, Cambridgeshire, shop- keeper; second div. of 20. on Thursday next, and three subsequent Thursdays ; Graham, Coleman Street-Ellis, Chelsea, victualler ; second div. of is 8d. on Thurs- day next, and three subsequent Thursdays ; Graham, Coleman Street-Hinton, Portsmouth, stationer; first div. of 2s. U. on Thursday next, and three subsequent Thursdays ; Graham, Coleman Street-Walter, Great Rider Street, St. James's, victualler ; first div. of Is. 4d. on Thursday next, and three subsequent Thursdays ; Graham, Coleman Street-F. and G. La Mark, Water Lane, Tower Street, ship- brokers ; first die. of Is. lid. on Thursday, Jan. 29, and three subsequent Thursdays; Standeld, Basinghall Street-Racine, Hare Street, Bethnal Green, dyer ; second di,. of 6d. on the separate estate, on Thursday, Jan. 29. mid three subsequent Thursdays; Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-Medgley, Kingston-upon-Hull, carpenter ; first and ffnal dir. of Ts. ld. any Tuesday; Carrick, Hull-Walker, Howden, sacking-manu- fseturer ; first div. of Is. 9d. any Tuesday; Carrick, Hull-C. and W. BrunskiB, Paternoster Row, silk-manufacturers ; first div. of 3s. 4d. under the joint estate, on Monday, Feb. 2, or any subsequent Monday; Quinlan, Aldermanbury. Scarce Sesauxerassioss.-Whitehead, Glasgow. mason, Jan. 30; Feb. 20-31.1n- tosh, Dundee, grocer, Feb. 2, 23-Templeton and Co. Dutch Mills, Ayr, wool-spin- ners, Feb. 4, 25 -Limerock, Glasgow, smith, Feb. 2, March 1-Campbell, Edinburgh, stock-broker, Feb. 3, 24-Buchanan and Co. Dairy, calico-printers; Jan. 29, Feb. 21 -Morrison, Avondale, Lanarkshire, farmer, Jan. 30, Feb. 27-Ure, Maryburgh Cot- tage, Dingwall, Feb. 4, 25.
Friday, January 30. PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED.-J. and J. Marshall, Bradford, brewers-Ashworth and Co. Forest of Rossendale, Lancashire, cotton-spinners-Chambers and Picking,
Princes Street, Lambeth, engineers-Rowe and Onley junior, Cheltenham, proprie- tors of the Royal Old Wells-Swain and Webbs, Huddersfield, woollen-cloth-mer- chants; as far as regards W.Swaio-Ward and Co. Ifillmareh, Derbyshire, coal- owners-Moore and liaison, Union Road. Newington-Ward and Siddal, Droolield, Derbyshire, spindle-manufacturers-Bower and Co. Henley, Yorkshire, stone-ma- sons-Simpson and Green, Wakefield, wine-merchants-Stidson and lienwood.
Plymouth, drapers-Growcutt and Martin, Sedgeley, Staffordshire, grocers-Greaves
and Stuart, Ratcliffe-on-Trent, railoay-contractors-Blight and Dennaford, Devon- port, tailors-Davison and Bowman, Woolwich, brewers-J. and E. Crofts. Gros- venor Street West, Pimlico, bakers-Walker and Wall, Sheffield, sugar-refiners- Hunter and Small, Barrow, Lincolnshire, drapers-Wildbore and Rawson, Ilorbury Terrace, Kensington Park Road, physicians-Porter and Co. Frome Selwood, So- mersetsbire, clothiers ; as far as regards W. Bray-G. and J. Crossley, Cleckheaton, Yorkshire, needle-point teeth-makers-White and Co. LimeStreet, Rine-merchants; as far as regards J. White-Morgan and Thomas, Cardiff, ship-clouidlers-Thomas and Booker, Eglwysilan, Glamorsan,, shire, coal-merchants-Austin and Shout, Bris- tol. civil-engineers-Cook and Mackin, Strand, chemists-Crocker and Matthews, Penzance, carpenters-Mont and Co. Aldersgate Street, Manchester-agents ; as far as regards J. H. Wood-Coleman and Engehausen, Hull, tailors-Rodger and Sons, Carmyle, bleachers ; as far as regards A. Rodger--Pearse and Stewart, Limerick, hardware-merchants.
BANKRUPTCY ANNIILIXD.-WILLJA.11 EVANS, Banbury, ironmonger. Baseaurrs.-PIIILtr PHILLIPS, Crowland, brewer, to surrender Feb. 13, March 12: solicitors, Gregory and Co. Bedford Bow; Carter, Spalding; official assignee, Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-Josisu Beocxweix, Old Broad Street, merchant, Feb. 14, March 13: solicitors, Martin, Salisbury Court ; official assignee, Pennell. Basing- hall Street-Georioz HARILISON, Frith Street, ironmonger, Feb. 13, March 16: soli- citors, Teague, Crown Court, Cheapside; Williams, Alfred Place, Bedford Square, official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street-Hoer:RV HAWKINS, Farnham. grocer Feb. 10, March 11: solicitors, Wright and Bonner, London Street, Feuchurch Street ; official assignee, Johnson, Basinghall Street- -RICUSILD lianas° the
younger, Hereford, grocer, Feb. 16, March 10: solicitors, Devereux, Bromyard,
Herefordshire ; Smith, Birmingham ; official assignee, Whitmore, Birmingham- ender-ES Witsos, Coventry, grocer, Feb. 9, March '10: solicitors, Motteram and Co.
Birmingham ; official assignee, Whitmore, Birmingham-DANIEL Moines, Walsall,
chemist, Feb. 11, March 10: solicitors, Motteram and Co. Birmingham ; Pilgrim, Hinckley; official assignee, Veiny, Birmingham-Psnue NECVMAN, Wioclicomb,
Gloucestershire, tea-dealer, Feb. 11, March 10: solicitor, Wilkes, Gloucester; official assignee. Hutton, Bristol-Jous WILLIAM Cowkes Baswea, Gloucester, victualler, Feb. 10. March U: solicitors, Abbot and Lucas, Bristol ; Lovegrove,
Gloucester; official assignee, Acraniau, Bristol-Tuouss Corrisroussi, West -Bark- with, Lincolnshire, wool-buyer, Feb. 18, March 10: solicitors, Mason and Dale, Lincoln ; Barr and Nelson, Leeds; official assignee ; Carrick, liull-GEMIGE CHAD- mum, Manchester, plasterer, Feb. 9, March 3: solicitor, Taylor, Manchester; official assignee, Fraser, Manchester. DIVIDENDS.-Feb. 24, D. J. and J. G. Eleter, Threadneedle Street, merch into-Feb. 21, Fuller, City Road, Finsbury, glass-merchant-Feb. 23, Bradford, Assembly Row, Mile-end Row, victualler-Feb. 23, Boote, Branton's Wharf, Commercial Road, chemist-Feb. 21, Stace, Strood, Kent, ironmonger-Feb. 24, Litchfield, Birmingham druggist-Feb. 24, Phillips, Birmingham, druggist-Feb. 24, Higgins. Birmingham, laceman-Feb. 23, Wileman, Earl bhilton, Leicestershire, homer-Feb. 26, Ayres, Cardiff, grocer. CERTIFICATE:S.-To 92 granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the cl,u of nweting.-Feb. 20, Howard and Stone, Norwich, builders-Feb. 20, Southee, Fleet Street, advertising-agent-Feb. 23, Samuel, Bury Street, St. Mary Axe, jeweller -
Feb. 23, Boote, Branton's Wharf, Commercial Road, chemist-Feb. 21, Stace, Strood, Kent, ironmonger-Feb. 21, Fuller, City Road, Finsbury, glass-merchant-Feb. 21,
Masbate, Charlotte Street, Portland Pace, carpenter-Feb. 23, Fray, Wigan, check- manufacturer-Feb. 23, IL and L. Dixon, Liverpool, merchants-Feb. 20, (and not the 5th, as before advertised,) Monies. Liverpool, spirit-merchant-Fob. 23, (instead of Feb. 19, as before advertised,) Dixon, Falmouth, printer-March 4. Andrews, I werne Courtney, Dorsetsbire, farmer-Feb. 26, Stanford and Lewis. Wednesbury, Staffordshire, engineers-Feb. 24, Heath, Manchester, and Barber, Burslem, iron- masters-Feb. 23, Orme and Lynass. Liverpool, ale-merchants. DECLARATION, or MTH'S:Ens.- Middlewood and Foster, Leeds, linen-drapers ; first div. of Gs. Feb. 2, or any subsequent Monday. within six months ; Cannan, Aldermaabury-Herring, Trinity Street, Southwark, chemist ; first die. of Is. Feb. 2, or any subsequent Monday, within sit months ; Cannan, Aldermanbury-Feeny and Gard, St. Martin's Lane, woollen-drapers; first div. of 4.1. Feb. 2, or any subse- quent Monday, within six months ; Cannan, Aldsrmanbury-Phesee, Covent Gar- den Market, victualler ; first die. of 9s. 6d. Feb. 2, or any subsequent Monday, with- in six months ; Cannan, Aldermanbury-Jepson, Sheffield, grocer ; second and final div. of 5s. Id. Feb. 3, or any subsequent Monday or Tuesday; Hope, Leeds- IV-Dowell. Worthing, draper ; second die. of 10s. any Wednesday; Whitmore, Ba- singhall Street-Marten, Lewes. draper ; first div. of Is. 94. Jan. 31, and three sub- sequent Saturdays; Edwards, Sambrook Court-Merrett„ Leadenhall Street, apothe- cary; first die. of Is. 3d. Jan. 31, and three subsequent Saturdays ; Edwards, Sam- brook Court-Waller, Foulsham, Norfolk, merchant-tailor; second div, of ls. 5d, and ds. Id. on new proofs, Jan. 31, and three subsequent Saturdays; Edwards, Sam- brook Court-Solomons, Basinghall Street, merchant; first die. of Is. Jan. 91, and three subsequent Saturdays; Edwards, Sambrook Court.
Scone SEQUESTRATIONS.-Foyer. Edinburgh, hat-manufacturer, Feb. 4, March 3 -Hart, Airdrie, distiller, Feb. 9, March 8.