31 JANUARY 1852, page 11

The Presidents Ball.

H. BONAPARTE has accomplished his task. He has kindled a con- flagration; has rushed through the streets shouting fire at the tor of his voice ; has frightened honest folks out......

The Past And Coming Legislatures Of Fltance.

THE President-Dictator is constructing a new patent lawmaking machine for France. It is in appearanoe unnecessarily compli- cated. There isthe President-Dictator himself, to......

London University And Its Graduates:*

IT would be difficult to name an institution more identified in the public mind with practical progress and victorious assertion of the great principle of equality in civil......

The Power Of The Militia.

WiTriorrr meaning to revive a discussion of the once formidable question that cost Charles the First his head, it may not be amiss to say a word or two on the power of the......