ittg court.
Tax Royal Family enjoy their usual good health at Windsor. Rides and walks abroad when the weather permitted, and exercise in the riding- school when the sky was unfavourable, have been the uudiversified amusement of the week.
Prince Leopold of Saxe Cobourg took leave of her Majesty and Prince Albert on Tuesday, and started for the Continent
Among the invited visitors at the Castle, have been the new Governor of the Cape colony- Major-General Cathcart, the Earl of Carlisle, the Earl of Aberdeen, the Lord Chancellor and Lady Truro, Lord John and LaAy John Russell, Viscount ifardinge, Mr. and Mrs. Fox Malik. Yesterday the Queen and her visitors witnessed the fourth theatrical performance of the season in the Rubens Room. The plays were Mr. Planche's comic drama of The 'ambits and Mr. Haynes Bayly's vaude- ville of The Swiss Cetteye. Prince Albert ran up to town on Monday, and presided at a meeting of the Surplus Committee of the Great Exhibition, assembled in the Pa- lace, at Westminster.