The Leading Journal of this morning announces another little change in the Cabinet, and embodies the club reports of the character of the new Reform Bill. The Cabinet change is announced as a "meagre catas- trophe."
"Lord Broughton retires from the Board of Control, and Mr. Fox Mauler takes his place. Solve seneseentem. He has left some heavy work to his successor in the construction of the new bill for the government of India. That work devolves on a man whose long habits of business, strong sense, and genial temper, particularly qualify him for it. So far all is well. The whole value of the change cannot be known till Mr. Fox Mattle's successor is appointed. This, however, is all the Ministerial modification we are yet to expect, but still it is about se little as possible. The Indian charter being about to lapse, something was necessary to be done and Lard JOhn.has given the work to the beat man for the purpose he could diet in the existing Cabi- net."
The great measure of the session will be on the tame "infinitesimal scale."
"The principle of the new Reform Bill is to propose as little as possible, on the speculation that either the House of Commons will accept that little, or will take on itself the responsibility of more. There is to be neither disfranchisement nor enfranchisement, as far as regards localities, if we are rightly informed, but only a general enlargement or swamping of the existing constituencies. For the 10/. householders we are to have 61. householders •' for the 501. tenants we are to have 201. tenants ; and the notorious boroughs are to be enlarged by copious annexations. On thie'plan there will not be a single change in the seats—no new Metropoli- tan boroughs—no more representatives for Manchester and Liverpool—none for the score or two large towns now unrepresented—and no obliteration of the names that have brought on the Reform Act the odium of having created more corruption than it destroyed. That, at least, is our present informa- tion. We confess that we can hardly believe it."
The Daily News, which has lately become the great purveyor of mili- tary intelligence has good reason for believing that the amended plan for increasing the Army will have these features. The regiments at home, thirty-four, and certain depOts (service companies) abroad, will be in- creased by 100 men each—total 5400; but certain other foreign depilts will be weakened by 150 men each—total 1509 men ; leaving the net in- crease 3900 men. There is also to be an increase of the Ardllery ; which will make the gross increase amount to about 5000 Infantry.
In reply to a letter from Dr. Glover of Newcastle, writing on behalf of certain local proposers of a volunteer rifle corps as a defence against invasion, Sir George Grey has stated, by Mr. II. Waddington, that her Majesty's Government appreciates the patriotic motives of the proposers, and that " the subject of sanctioning the formation of such corps is at present, under the consideration of the Government."