THE message from Queen Mary to the nation, expressing the Queen's gratitude for the sympathy manifested towards her and commending her son to the loyalty of his subjects, is a fitting epilogue to the great events of the past ten days. Great Britain since King t;corge's death has profoundly impressed the world, and impressed even itself. The scenes in London have naturally dominated all others. That the King's death should have called into the streets in January rain and cold throngs of mourners exceeding in volume the multi- tude that crowded to rejoice with the King and Queen in May sunshine at the Jubilee is perhaps the most striking of all tributes to the place King George held in the estimation of his subjects. There may have been here and there some excess of sentiment. Many thousands of the sightseers were no doubt animated by the Londoner's inveterate love of a show, be it wedding, be it funeral. But the plain fact is that the country has been mourning the loss of a sovereign in whom no fault could be discerned, and it realised him in death as it never had in life. Now emotions will be veiled again ; the Englishman's traditional reserve will be resumed ; but none of us is the worse for having felt intensely and allowed something of our feelings to be revealed.