Loitering With Intent
[To the Editor of Tux SPECTATOR.] SI11,—My experience as a Justice of the Peace leads me to conclusions similar to those indicated by Miss Craven. There is, however, one change......
- Italy- And Britain
[To the Editor of THE` SPECTATOR.] SIR,—The address of which a repOrt is given below, translated from an Italian newspaper, was recently delivered in Italy by a British subject,......
Hymns Ancient And Early Victorian
[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] Sint,—In your issue of January 24th Mr. Lionel James appeaser (we hope), his anger with a spate of cynicism : perhaps he had a bad sermon as......
" Revolution " ?
[To the Editor of Tun SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Janus, surely somewhat ingenuously, enquires last week, `, 1 What did Mr. Masefield mean . . . by . . And when the War was ended, when the......
Broadcasting And Aggression
[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—The present diplomatic lull provides an opportunity to consider ways and means by which the Italo-Abyssinian con- flict could be brought......
[to The Editor Of The Sencrsroa.] Sir,—as I Am Myself
collecting material for a dictionary of British Artists, it was with particular interest that I read " C. D.'s " letter in your last issue. I agree with hint that in research......
-research In British Art
[To the Editor of Tun SPECTATOR.] SHI,—The very pertinent letter of " C. D.," in your issue of January 24th, draws attention to a serious lack in our national culture. We have......