31 JANUARY 1936, Page 20


[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] Stu,—In your issue of January 24th " Janus," in " A Spectator's Notebook," takes the Poet Laureate to task for speaking about " England " instead of " Britain " in his sonnet on King George V. But Mr. Philip Guedalla in his article in the same issue repeatedly refers to the " King of England." To speak today about the " King of England " is as inaccurate as to speak about the " King of Serbia " or the " King of Sardinia." Mr.rGuedalla is'not impressed by the charge of inaccuracy, nor troubled by the susceptibilities of the non-English subjects of King Edward VIII, is he satisfied he is courteous to the

Icing ?—Yours faithfully, M. MCKENZIE WOOD. 51 South Street, Mayfair, W. 1.