SIR,— Can you tell us the aim of the words quoted
below from the article by the Archbishop of York in last week's Spectator: "Within the economic activity the end is the satisfaction of human physical needs. . . The interest of the consumer should be the chief regulator of production "? Is the emphasis on "needs," so that by persuasion or regulation the production of turkeys, .ea am tobacco, whisky, dia- monds and wine should be discouraged or prevented? An earlier sentence recognises economic activity concerned with the "means to a full human life." Does this phrase indude the production of music, pictures, theatrical performances, novels, histories and critical essays, stained glass, ornamental vestments and other aids to the beauty of worship? If so, will there be advice concerning the more or less "interest of the consumer" in these activities? Many more could be mentioned. In short, wiL the doctrine advise regarding other needs