Our Primitive Ancestors
Prehistoric England. By Grahame Clark.' (Batsford. Ss. 6d.) Tnakrxs to modern- archaeology, our doubt and ignorance con- cerning prehistoric man are rapidly becoming more......
The Poetry Of Scotland
The Golden Treasury of Scottish Poetry. Edited by Hugh MacDiarmid. (Macmillan. 8s. 6d.) Garmina Gadelica. Vol. III. Collected by Alexander Carmichael (Oliver and Boyd. ISS.)......
Hug Gery Etcetera
On Circuit 1924-1937. By Sir Frank Douglas Mackinnon, Lord Justice of Appeal. (Cambridge University Press. as.) Tins book is quite unlike the ordinary legal book of reminis-......
The War Of The Worlds
FROM time to time there appears upon the literary scene that rare figure, the writer who is also an artist. Frequently one of his two talents is out of all proportion to the......