31 JULY 1841, Page 21


BRITISH FUNDS. (Closing Prices.) Saturday Monday. Tuesday. Wednes. Thurs.

5 per Cent. Consols 891 Ditto for Account 90 3 Der Cents. Reduced 901 if per Cents. Reduced 991 New 31 per Cents. 931 Long Annuities 13

Bank. Stock, 7 per cent. - 1

India Stock 101 2491 Exchequer Bill. 2 /d. p. diem 18 pin. India Bonds, 1 per ccut 6 pm.

FOREIGN (Last Official Quotation during the Alabama (Sterling) 5 p. Ct. - Arkansas (1863) 6 - Austrian 5 - 1081 Belgian 5 - 1011 Brazilian 5 - 67 } Buenos Ayres 6 - Cuba 6 - 71 Chinon 6 - 61 Columbian of 1824 6 - 191 Danish 3 - 781 Dutch (Ex 12 Guilders) 2/ - 52 Ditto (Ditto) 5 1011

French 3 - 761'. tic.

Ditto 5 - 114f.75c.

IndianaISterliag) 5 - Illinois 6 - - Kentucky 6 -- - Louisiana (Sterling) 5 - - Maryland 6 - 75 Massaehussetts(sterling)5 - - Mexican 5 - 251 SOAR F.S.

(Last Official Quotation during the Week, ending Friday Evening.) Mines-Banks-

Bolanos - I Australasian Brazilian Imperial - British North American

Ditto (St. Johu del Rey) I - I Colonial

British Iron - Cate Branca . -

Caudouga I - Cobre Copper 37 ex d. Railways- Eastern Counties 71

Grand Junction 203 Great Western 84 Liverpool and Manchester - London and Brighton 421 London and Blackwell 151 London and Greenwich London and Birmingham 1601 London and South-Western 53/ London and Croydon Manchester and Leeds 491 Midland Counties 85 North Midland 65/ South Eastern and Dover 181 METALS.

Copper, tirltish Cake...per ton 981. Oa. to 01. Od. Iron, It Walt, tiers 7 0 0- 7 5 Lead, 8 Malt Pig 20 0 0- 20 5 Steel, En4161. 54 0 0- OD 0

LANE, July 30th.

B. .. I

Maple 41 to 42 Oats, Feed ...El L. 25 White 06 .. AP Fine 23 .. 27

Boiler. 98 . 41, Poland €8 .. GO 1 Bean, Ticks... 87 .. 89 Fine 59 .. 85 Old 42 .. 44 Potato 29 .. 80 flartow . .... 40 .. 421 Floe 34 .. 31 DUTY ON FOREIGN CORN For the present Week.

Wheat 22s. 8J.I Ilye 16..9d. Barley 15 4 Beans It CI Oats 13 9 Peas 8 0


Town-made .......... .......per sack 58s. to Os.

Seconda........ ........ 5d - 58

Essex and Suffolk, on board ship 48 53 Norfolk and Stockton 43 48 BRAN per quarter 0,.to Os. POLLARD, fine Os. to Os. BREAD, 74d. to Did. the 41b. Lauf.


Kent Pockets 100s. to too.. I Scotch Reds D Choiceitto 180 - Ware Sussex Pockets 100 - 1A1 I Middling

Superfine Ditto 130 - IGO Clint,


Hay, Good 96s. 105s.

Inferior 18 .. 92 75 .. 84 0 0 New 65 .. 54 0 .. 0 o. 0 ..... do .. r4 Clover LIB .. 126 70 . IPA 90 ... 118 120 .. 126

Straw, %1 heat 45 .. 50 42 .. 45 38 .. 45 43 .. 48 Beef 5.. 6d, to 4.. Od. to 4s. 41. 3, Veal 5 8 .. 4 4 .. 5 0 4 Mueton it 10 .. 4 4 .. 4 0 4

Lando NEWGATE AND LEADEN li A1.1..• 4 .. 4 10 . S 2

6 5 0 5 4 8d.to 4.. 41. to 40. 108. SMITHFIELD..

90 901 901 991 92 13 70 19 6 90 904 901 991 981 171 249 19 9

891 90 90 991 931 13 170 2-18 19

891 90 901 991 981 13 170 2.480 19 Friday.

891 891 90 13 2491 18





Week ending Friday Evening.) Ditto (Deferred) 5 p. Ct. Ditto 6 - Ditto (Deferred) 6 Michigan 6 Mississippi (Sterling) 5 Neapolitan. 5 New York (1855) 5 Ohio 6 Pennsylvania 5 Peruvian 6 Portuguese 3 Ditto 5 Ditto (New) 5 Russian 5 Spanish 5 !alit° (Passive) Ditto (Deferred)

South Carolina ...... ,..5 p. Ct. Tennessee 6 -1.1.ited States Bank

Virginia... 5 -


181 57 30 1141 191 81 85


9/ Hibernian Loudon and Westminster London Joint Stock National of Ireland National Pnwiucial

Provincial or Ireland

Union of Australia Union of London


East and West India London St. Katherine


Australian Agricultural British American Laud Canada General Steam South Australian Van Diemen's Land 98 69exd. 93cxd. 32/ 221 12/


41 151 38 281 BULLION.

Gold, Foreign In Bars.....per oz SI. 7s. ad. Old Span:al, or Pillar Dollars 0 0 0 Mexican Dollars 0 4 10} Silver in Bars, Standard 0 5 0*


Wheat .Reil New 50 to 62

Fine so

White .. 8 04 .. 72 5 Bel Fine 04 72 Old .... •. 63 .. 80 Sup Nen 74 .. 701 AVERAGE PRI Per Quarter (Imperial) A' heat 61s. 2,1.1

Barley at II Oat... . 24 2 I nE S OF CORN. England and Wales.

Rye 85, 4d.

Beans 58 to Peas 41 4


Rye 501033 Barley 31 no 36 .. 37 Malt, Ordinary 58 .. GO Fine ES 63

Peas. Hog 39 . 40


BUTTER-Best Fresh, 18...6d. per ios. Carlow, 01.0.. to 0. ns. per cwt. BACON, Small New, per cwt. 551 to 63.. CHEESE, Cheshire 68.. to 84, Derby, Plain Cl'. to 765. HAMS, York 78s. to Ms EGGS. French... per 120 4s. dd to 5s. 6d.


per toa Os. to

oo -



