The Halifax Mail-steamer Arrived At Liverpool On...
York papers to the 17th July. She left Halifax on the 20th, and consequently made the voyage in nine daysi The Supreme Court of New York had delivered a judgment adverse to the......
East India Shipping.
Arrived—At Gravesend, July 25th, Weimer Cdstle, Gimlelt, from Bengal ; 28th, Nautilus. Thomas; Augustus, Purchase; and Catherine. Brown, from Mauritius ; and 29th. Carton, Cos,......
The Times has surprised politicians with a series of very moderate lead- ing articles on the position of the " new Conservative party." They indi- cate a systematic plan, a......
Births, Marriages, And Deaths.
BIRTHS. On the 28th inst., at Eu ham Douse. near Andover, the Don. Mrs. PRowsis, of a son. On the 25th iust., the Lady of the Rev. C. PASLEY VIVIAN, of a son. Oa the 23d inst.,......
The Foreign News Possesses Considerable Interest.
In the first place, the French telegraph announces the arrival at Mar- seilles of the overland Indian mail, which bears intelligence from Bom- bay to the 19th June, with the......
SATURDAY NIGHT. There is no home news of any importance today ; but the evening papers have a little party gossip. The Globe and Standard of this evening both allude to some......