In the last number of a Sunday newspaper, the avowed
proprietor and editor of which is Mr. H. G. WARD, M.P. for Sheffield, an article ap- peared, plainly purporting to be from Mr. WARD'S pen, in continua- tion of a long series of attacks on the character of this journal as an opponent of the Whig Government ; but surpassing most of the pre- vious lucubrations of the same writer in scurrilous abuse, and indulging in personal imputations of a kind rarely resorted to in political warfare or party wrangling. It has ever been our rule, and we hope it may be added our invariable practice, to preserve the pages of this journal from the advocacy of mere personal interests, or quarrels either aggressive or defensive : and when we notice Mr. WARD'S grossly indecent con- duct in the present instance, lest that might be supposed to derive coun- tenance from our silence, it is only to say that the whole tissue of his statement—in its aim and tendency—in its direct charges and indirect insinuations—is FALSE. What further course of vindication we shall take, must be through another medium than the Spectator.