31 JULY 1886, Page 17


[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR"] SIR,—I have read the graphic account of the Baker Street murder in your issue of July 24th with shame and indignation.

We are always lauding the Germans, and certainly in this we should do well to copy them. In Germany, if a dog is seen by the police without either a leading-string or a muzzle, the owner is on the spot fined one mark (a shilling), and is requested to put on the muzzle or the leader at once, and the police see that it is done.

Surely such a system might be substituted for the unlimited power so unwisely given to a body of men, who do not always use it judiciously or humanely, even in the case of their own species.—I am, Sir, &c., 33 Pawls Square, W., July 25th. E. J. STUART.