Men And Women.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE 'SPECTATOR?') SIR, — I saw with some surprise that the article in your - issue of July 17th, on "Men and Women," had not drawn any such remarks from......
The Baker Street " Mad-dog " Case.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR" ] SIR,—I have read the graphic account of the Baker Street murder in your issue of July 24th with shame and indignation. We are always lauding......
The "collapsed Bladder" Of Positivism.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR." J SIR,—With reference to your conviction that " the pretensions of Positivism to supply mankind with religious consolations and religious......
[to The Editor Of The " Bpectator."1
you allow me to make a practical suggestion with regard to the Baker Street " mad-dog " case ? The truth seems to lie half-way between the ladies and the police. The police were......