31 JULY 1909, Page 16


To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR." I SIR,—ln his letter in your issue of July 17th does not your correspondent Colonel Cbrystie confuse Aristides with his rival, Themistocles P Herodotus tells us that after the naval victory over Xerxes at Salamis each officer took a billet to the altar of Neptune to inscribe there the names of those who had• done the best service ; and every one put himself in the first place and Themistocles in the second. The story is also quoted in Plutarch's Life of Themistocles. It is true, how- ever, that Aristides held office as Archon in the 72nd Olympiad, after the battle of Marathon; and again in the 74th Olympiad, four years before the battle of Plataea.—I am, Sir, &c.,