An Emergency Budget.
[To THE EDITOR Or THE "SPECTATOR."] Sue,—Is it fair to assume, as is now frequently done, that there is no choice except between Mr. Lloyd George's Budget and Protection ?......
Can We Afford To Be Divided P [to Tim Editor
or TUE "SPECTATOR:] Sin,—The recent by-elections afford an excellent opporttinity of arriving at some conclusion as to the possible acceptance of "Tariff Reform" by the......
The Land-taxes.---a Working Model.
[TO THE EDITOR Or TIIR "SPROF4T011."1 SIR,—The injustice of the taxation of land proposed by the Finance Bill seems to be well illustrated by a case in which I am interested. I......
Letters To The Editor.
PROTECTION AND THE BUDGET.—THE PETROLEUM INDUSTRY. [TO TOR EDITOR OV TIIR "SPECTATOR:1 SIR,—In Parliament on June 22nd Mr. Hobhouse, on behalf of the Treasury, in reply to Mr.......
The By-elections.
[To TEE EDITOR or THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—Frankly, if Unionists can extract much comfort from the recent by-elections, they must be made of sanguine stuff. Surely the voice of......
How Shall We Govern Indi& ?
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR, — In your issue of July 10th in the article " How Shall We Govern India ? " you have sounded an admirable note of warning to the British......