A. popular demonstration in favour of the Land-tax proposals of
the Budget was held in Hyde Park on Saturday last. The procession, marshalled, as we learn from the Daily News, by " Captain Baker of the Nursing Yeomanry," marched from the Embankment to the Park, where speeches were delivered at twelve platforms, and a resolution was simultaneously passed, amid "an eruption of waving hats." At the Labour Party's platfOrm Mr; Keir Hardie claimed the Budget as a Socialist Budget. The Rev. Silvester Horne urged that the people must say in no unmistakable voice to the land- owners : " We are going to tax your land whether you like it or not." In spite • of these sallies, the booing of ducal landlords, and the disconcerting mixture of Sankey's hymn- tunes with lighter melody, the demonstration was extremely decorous. Different estimates of the numbers are given by 'different papers, but it was clear that many of • those who attended were • prompted by curiosity rather than enthusiasm.