Sns,—I think it may interest you to learn that I have built a barn, SOft. by 15ft..by 12ft. high, in Pise-de Terre, with which I am in every way satisfied. My soil is a very light sandy loam, and it was put into the shutters without being sifted or selected in any way. I tied theist:Jitters with iron bolts, passing through gas piping, the latter acting as distance pieces. The piping was easily drawn out of the wall, and left a small, clean hole, easily filled. The work was carried out for me by an experienced builder, who etarted -with -many misgivings, but finished confident that anything within reason could be built in it. I think that the country-side is much indebted is you for showing the way.—I am, Sir, &c., AIMED BROWN. Horsell Grange, Woking.