Sinn Fein Propaganda.
[To THY EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR, — You will allow me a few words of comment upon thathio but steady stream of correspondence induced by a statement in my Evolution of......
Disrarli And Gladstone.
1To THE EDITOR OF THE-" SPECTATOR"] Sza,—In confirmation of what Mr. Bassett so forcibly demon- strates, perhaps you will allow me to give a personaLrecollec- tion. I happened......
Trade Unions And Ex-service Urn. [to The Editor. Of• The
" SPECTATOR."] Sra,—In your issue of July 24th among: the. notes of the week there is a reference to the antagonistic attitude of the trade unions with regard to the employment......
Roman Catholicism And Irish Crime.
(To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") Sia,—The attitude of the Catholic clergy and people of Ireland towards murder is a source of perplexity and distress to mans who are not......
Road And Rail.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."1 SIR,—Twenty years ago, when a convinced motorist (then the Me noire of his- friends) dared•. to state his belief that the motor would drive......