Conscious, we suppose, of the excessive violence of his Birminge
ham letter, and partly influenced by a more select audience,. Mne Bright addressed a small meeting in the drawing-room of the Free Trade Hall at Manchester on Tuesday in very different language indeed. Then he was all compliment to Earl Grosve- nor, whom he would not suspect of bad motives till he had heard what he had to say, from whom he even ventured to anti- cipate a disposition to withdraw his motion,—in other words, to whom he ventured to attribute a weakness he desired to see. He assured Earl Grosvenor that no working man wished to rob him of a single acre of his estates, which is probable enough, and very comforting to the noble Earl, but not strictly relevant to the question of a good or bad Reform Bill. Mr. Bright was temperate, too, to his immediate opponents, Mr. Lowe and his party, and altogether spoke like a man wishing to show that he could be merciful and gracious as well as terrible, and that there is still time for the ruling class to choose between his sunshine and his thunderbolts, if they only know the things that belong unto their peace.