Current Literature.
The Life and Letters of Lady Arabella Stuart. By Eliz. Cooper. Two vols. (Hurst and Blackett.)—We have in these volumes two pathetic love stories, some pleasant glimpses of......
Mary Stuart, Ker Guilt Or Innocence. By Alex. M'neel -...
: Edinburgh.)--There is life, we believe, in this old story yet. Men are not yet tired, even if they ever will be, of dwelling upon the awful ssalities, and peering into the......
Intervention And Non - Intervention. By A. G. Stapleton,...
Canning and his Times. (John Murray.)—This is a long indict- trent against the foreign policy Of Lord Palmerston, and has no refer- ence to that policy of isolation which is......
On The Received Text Of Shakespeare And Its Improvement. By
Samuel Bailey. Vol. II. (Longman;.)—Mr. Bailey excited some attention, not to say alarm, by his former volume. He proposed to purify the text of Shakespeare by the help " of the......
The Kickleburys On The Rhine. (smith And Elder.) Fourth...
The Rose and the Ring. Fourth edition. (Smith and Elder.)—These two Christmas books of poor Mr. Thackeray's, with their quaintly funny illustrations, are very doer to our heart.......
Called Unsettled Questions Of The Day. Ho Is A Very
fair and painstaking: controversialist, and deserves a hearing; indeed we will pay him the. compliment of saying that it involves no mean mental exercise to be- in intelligent......