Intervention and Non - Intervention. By A. G. Stapleton, author of George
Canning and his Times. (John Murray.)—This is a long indict- trent against the foreign policy Of Lord Palmerston, and has no refer- ence to that policy of isolation which is sometimes advocated at the present day under the designation of non-intervention. This policy Mr. Stapleton repudiates at the outset ; "it should be a matter of dis- grace and shame to this nation finally to establish as a maxim of our future policy, that Great Britain is henceforth on every occasion humbly to submit to have the treaties which she has made with other nations trampled under foot." But there is a principle that was maintained by the old Tory statesmen, the adherence to which led to that great moral influence formerly possessed by Great Britain, the departure from which by Lord Palmerston has destroyed that influence, and prepared the way in Europe for the establishment of the empire of force. This principle is that no State has a right forcibly to interfere in the internal concerns of another State, unless there exists a casus UM against it. As long as we maintained this principle, i. e., till 1830, we were the one trusted Government among governments that no one can trust ; since that time we have become even such a one as themselves, and recognize no other law than that of expediency in our dealings with foreign nations. Mr. Stapleton pursues Lord Pahnerston relentlessly both in Europe and Asia; we must admit that he makes out a strong case against the vacil- lations and what may be called judgment-snappings of our foreign policy of late years, though ho scarcely makes sufficient allowance for the difficulties that we have had to encounter ; we trust that we shall display more unity of purpose, dignity, and perhaps equity, in the future,
and we cordially recognize the service that Mr. Stapleton's, publication is likely to render in 'the furtherance of this desirable change.