The last news. from Jamaica seems to. confirm all that
has been said of the cruel recklessness of the-officers, but to diminish considerably, if we may trust the Times' correspondent, the sup- posed number of actual executions. He estimates the execu- tions, under martial law at 330, and suggests 70 as the probable number of persons shot in the bush, concluding, "If I say that 450 black persons have from first to last been killed,. with or, without trial, during the outbreak, that will be an outside statement." Even thilenumber gives about. 22 negro or- coloured men's lives taken for each white life,-...a. sufficiently bloody vengeance, but ibis a relief to have so low an estimate after the account of Sir Leopold McClintock. The examinations of the military spacers show the utmost recklessness as to their grounds for anthorjzingthe slaughter of suspected' blacks: Colonel' gebbs produced„ " reluctantly " produced, the following disgraceful letter front-the Deputy Adju- tant-General :—" Dear. Colonel,—I' send you. an order to push on at once to Stony-Gut, but 'trust you are there already. Role is. doing splendid' service with his men about blanehioneal, and' shooting every bleck man who cannot give an account of himself. Nelson at Port-Antonio is hanging like fun by court-martial. I hope you will not wades any prisoners ; civil law can do nothing.
. . . Do punish the blackguards well.—Yours in haste, Joan- ELKUCGT027, D.A.G." With such despatches from head- quarters, what wonder if the atrocities were frightful ?