We have received the eighteenth volume of the Proceedings of
the Royal Colonial Institute. (Sampson Low and Co.)—The State : the Rudiments of New Zealand Sociology. By James H. Pope. (G. Didabury, Government Printer, Wellington, N.Z.)—Mr. Pope gives, for the benefit of students, both theory and practical informa- tion. How the State is formed, what developments it takes, by what natural laws it is governed, are his themes, and he illustrates them
from New Zealand facts.—It is amusing to read, after Mr. Pope's treatise, Taken In: a Sketch of New Zealand Life, by "Hopeful." (W. H. Allen and Co.) The title represents the character of the book and the experiences which it relates. It does not encourage emigration to this Colony.—The Calendar of the Royal University of Ireland, 1888. (Alex. Thom, Dublin.)—The examination papers set in 1887 are published in a separate volume, a severance of some of the most interesting matter that one cannot but regret.—The Royal Kalendar and Court and City Register, 1888 (W. H. Allen and Co.), contains the usual official and Parliamentary information, with other miscellaneous matter.—The Seventh Census of the Colony of Queensland. With Maps. (J. C. Beal, Brisbane.)