[to The Editor Of Tee " Spectator:]
SIE,-I recognise heartily the excellent intention in the latter part of your article headed "The Welcome to Mr. Chamberlain," and I hope you will allow me to help you in your......
The Clerical Address.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sut,—I abstained from commenting on the main point in the letter addressed to you by the Vicar of Greenwich, under the conviction that some......
The Wine-tax.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] Sin.,—When the general admiration at tlis stroke of financial genius has subsided, Cassandras will have a good time. Better, therefore, to......
The Maintenance Of Girls.
P RETTY nearly everything has now been done for women with property. They can hold it, they can inherit it, and they can bequeath it, if they like, as independently as • men. If......