31 MARCH 1900, Page 15


[To THE EDITOR OF TRH "SPECTATOR-1 SIR,—With reference to the paragraph in the Spectator of March 24th as to the strained relations between Colonel Kekewich and Mr. Rhodes in Kimberley—if the newspaper reports are correct—may I say that I believe the general verdict will be that under the peculiar circumstances friction was inevitable? When, over a hundred years ago, Sir David Baird was made prisoner in India by Tippoo Sahib, or some other potentate, Sir David's mother is said to have remarked, on learning the nature of his confinement, " I pity the man that is chained to oor Davie I" I think it will be generally admitted that the officer commanding the garrison of a beleaguered town which comprises Mr. Rhodes among its inhabitants deserves at least as much sympathy as Sir David Baird's "stable companion."—I am, Sir. &a, G.