News Of The Week.
N OTHING of military importance has occurred this week in South Africa. The Boer leaders have ap- parently decided to make their stand at Kroonstad, about one hundred and twenty......
The Russian Military Attache Has Borne Witness To The...
mobility of Lord Roberts's army. To this testimony must now be added that of Count Adalbert von Sternberg, the Austrian officer who was captured in General Cronje's laager at......
A Valuable Statement On The Question Of The Ultimate...
in South Africa has been made by Mr. J. Rose- Innes, Q.C., late leader of the Cape Opposition. Premising that the settlement must guarantee a permanent condition of peace, Mr.......
Mafeking Is Not Relieved, Nor Is There Any Improvement In
the prospect of relief. Colonel Plumer, it seems clear, has been repulsed, and Commandant Snyman on his return an- nounced his success by a terrible bombardment. Of any un-......
The Argument For Arbitration Has Received Another And A...
blow. The Portuguese Government, it will be re- membered, granted to an American, Colonel McMurdo, the right to build a railway in Delagoa Bay, and it was commenced by a British......
* „,* The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In
any cane.......