Leaves of Healing : a Book for the Sorrowful. Selected
and Arranged by George Jackson. (C. H. Kelly. 3s. 6d. net.)—Mr. Jackson has sought out " comfortable words for the sorrowful in a variety of sources— the Bible, prayers, hymns, the poets great and small, and prose-writers like Bunyan, Johnson, and Lamb—and gives a page or so for each day in the year. The result of his labours is an agreeable and consoling little book, in which we are glad to find quotations from the letters of James Smetham, the pious Pre-Raphaelite artist, pages from " Mark Ruther- ford," Whittier's fine hymn that begins " When on my day of life the night is falling," and other admirable things which most compilers over. look. Cromwell's dying words are quoted, but not his touching letter to his old friend Colonel Walton on the death of Walton's eldest son at Marston Moor—one of the most comforting passages in our literature.