The Clergy Directory And Parish Guide, 1917. (j. S....
4s. fid. net.)—This handy volume, containing alphabetical lists of the clergy and benefices of the Church of England, with particulars of the diocesan establishments and the......
Criminality And Economic Conditions. By W. A. Bonger....
H. P. Horton. (W. Heinemann. 21s. net.)—This learned treatise by a well-known Dutch scholar falls into two parts. First, the author reviews and criticizes severely the work of......
We Welcome The Appearance Of Beacon, A Magazine Devoted To
the interests of the blind (National Institute for the Blind, Great Portland Street). The paper, we understand, is not to be run as a commercial venture, but solely with a view......
Fox And Geese. By Susanne R. Day And G. D.
Cummins. (Maunsel and Co. Ia net.)—An amusing comedy of Irish country life, in which the characters converse with all that picturesque imagery to which a certain school of Irish......
" Ultima Thule Sendeth Greeting," Sincere Though Belated,...
spenre in the shape of an Icelandic poem by Matthias Jochumeson which has been published with an English version by Professor Gollancz (Oxford University Press, Is. net); The......
Science And The Nation. Essays By Cambridge Graduates....
A. C. Seward. (Cambridge University Press. 55. net.)—To show the importance of pure science, and its relation to applied science, a number of Cambridge men have written these......
The Old Grammar Schools. By Foster Watson. (cambridge...
Is. 3d. net.)—In this little book, valuable and suggestive out of all proportion to its size, Professor Watson traces the history of our grammar schools, before and since the......