The news from America is from many points of view
perplexing, but the general conclusion seems to be that at the moment public opinion as a whole has got well ahead of the President, or at any rate of the President's actions. It is, indeed, beginning to fret at what seems to be his irritating calmness and almost pedantic precision of movement. _He appears to many Americans to be moving with the stately, almost exasperating, deliberation of a eat which, after having asked to have the door opened, refuses to come through except at her own time, and after an exhaustive examination as to whether the opening is wide enough and whether there ie, after all, sufficient reason for her to advance. She seems to (say I only ordered you to open the door as a precautionary measure, and not because I had determined to come through when it was open. That remains for ' further and better consider- ation." Yet she comes through in the end. Those who think, because of her habitual refusal to be hurried, that the cat is a creature without courage or even determination of mind are greatly mistaken. In the last resort, it is much more difficult to frighten a cat than animals which appear to be far more combative.