31 MARCH 1928, Page 13


A step forward towards the saving of our threatened scenery is arranged for this week, by the Council for the Preservation of Rural England. That ingenious Professor of Civics, that pioneer in town and country planning, Mr. Patrick Abercronibie, has helped the Society to do for the Thames Very much what Lord and Lady Milner began to do for East Kent. At this week's meeting in Reading Lord Astor will preside over a group that includes a very large number of local Councils of all sorts ; and these bodies must necessarily co-operate with one another and with landowners if any general scheme is to be promoted. You cannot protect the lovelier reaches of the Thames without touching a score of authorities. This get-together, as they say in America, is a new thing in social organization in Britain ; and it is a condition precedent to the preservation of our scenery, threatened as never before in the annals.

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