Course, Lloyds Bank, The National Provincial And The...
are represented, has, presented a very satisfactory Report. The business itself expanded, the balance-sheet showing a total of £8,684,000 against £6,983,000. A great expansion......
John Barker's Profits.
The accounts of John Barker and Co. for the past year show a slight reduction in the gross profits and rather a con- siderable increase in expenses. Owing to the fact, however,......
Subscribe, Particulars Are Now Being Published Of The...
Limited. It was incorporated on January 24th last, and it is intended to confine the investments and operations of the company mainly to undertakings coming under the category......
Ruplding Society's Prosperity.
Following upon the highly satisfactory Report of the Abbey Road Permanent Building Society, to which I recently referred in these cohnians, it is riot surprising that enthusiasm......
Company Was Hailed By Most Shrewd Observers As Affording...
of still better things to come. In the first place, there were signs of economical management, and, in the second place, it was clear that the company was likely to gain in the......
An Important Undertaking.
The figures of the Halifax Permanent Building Society have for some years been of a striking and expanding char- acter, but now that the concern is united with the Halifax......
Report Of The Competition
Tim competitors " Ethyl " and " Betty " were the joint prize-winners of the Leap Year- proposal of marriage com- petition, the report of which appeared in the Spectator of March......
A New Competition
THE editor offers a prize of five guineas for the best suggestions, in five hundred words, or less, on How to Keep Young. The closing date for this competition Will be Friday,......