[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] your issue of March 24th, in a letter which appears under the heading "The, Marketing of Poultry," I note your correspondent is anxious to obtain inforination• on how an effective selling organization could be developed for the marketing of eggs.
If Mr. Guthrie would care to have particulars of what is proving a very Succelifid systeni in East Sussex, I should be very pleased to write him in detail, giving him an account of the work and organization of the Stonegate and East Sussex Farmers' Co-operative, Ltd. This at present is quite a small society, but in the last eighteen month' has made great strides. For instance, last year I believe wedid not succeed in marketing more than 1,000 dozen eggs in a day, whereas last Monday - our vans took up to town over 2,600 dozen eggs, which realized for our members a price considerably in excess of that ruling in the local markets.
The Directors-of the Society are anxious to help the Farmers' Co-operative movement ia every way and would, therefore, welcome the opportunity of putting the experience they have gained during the 'Ina two or three years at the disposal of any individuals or societies to whom it might be useful.— I am, Sir, ake; HUGH B. CARRINGTON.
Blacklands, Crawhurst, Sussex. - - [We print this letter with pleasure. May it be the means of spreading the spirit of co-operation among British farmers' and egg suppliers.—En. Spectator.]