JtROME 60° LATITUDE NORD. By Maurice Bedel. (Hachette. 2s. Ed.)—In
his much-discussed novel M. Bedel urges upon us the superiority, of French morals over those of Norway. The scene is laid in Christiania, and the plot centres - round the very French hero Jerome, who arrives in Christiania
-;._'••-to produce' his latest play, full of ideas about the romance of - Norway and hei beautiful maidens. Falling -in love 'with - Miss Hansen, -he discovers " le feu qui• dort sous la neige," gains first-hand knowledge of Norwegian morals, and returns disgusted to Fiance. We can congratulate M. Bedel- on _ having written a cleverly-thought-out and amusing &Mk, but not on his knowledge of Norway. Neither is this the •' typical Norwegian girl, nor is her mother, Madame Knig, who has changed her name four times, the typical Norwegian - wife. As a .contrast between, the Gallic and Nordic tempera- ments, however, the book is. worth reading, Isit we would warn our readers that it is a libel on the splendid 'women of Scandinavia.