Messrs. GeOrge Pulmin iind Sims are publishing a series of
reproduetions, in facsimile 'colours, of the pictures left by the Ive:aglf Bequest. Twelve subjects hiVe already been published,. and a further eight are 'promised shortly. Reynolds claims
the largeat,.reprentation in the first series, there being three Of his works, while Rembrandt, LaVerence, Rubens, Crome, kranzlials, Vermeer, Raeburn, Romney, and Hoppner each have One. _ The reproduction throughout the series is uni- formly goOd..-. This series can be thoroughly recommended and they possess the additional advantage of being within the reach- of the most modest- income, five shillings being the price of each print: ' If one had to:giye a preference' it would go to .Vermeer's lovely "Lute PlaYer," or Raebtirn's " Sir George Sinclair." The size of the plates is 12 -by 91- in., or 28 by. 16 in. mounted, and the whole collection. can he .seen at MeSsrs:Pulintin'eGallery at 22 High Street; Marylebone.
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